Workers’ compensation in Illinois provides benefits, such as coverage of medical expenses and payment for lost wages, for workers who are injured on the job. You do not have to file a lawsuit and go to court or prove anything against your employer to get these benefits – they are yours according to Illinois law.

Many different types of injuries that happen at work are considered work injuries for the purposes of qualifying for benefits, including repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. These are different from one-time injuries such as a fall off a ladder. Repetitive stress injuries occur over time from doing the same motion over and over. Carpal tunnel is commonly known to be caused by excessive typing, but assembly line work can result in the condition, as well. Similarly, repeated lifting and/or twisting motions can cause repetitive stress injuries to the neck or back.

As soon as you begin to suspect that you have work related repetitive stress injury, see a doctor. Not only does early treatment benefit your overall health, but it can help you establish your claim for workers’ compensation benefits. If you are unable to perform your job, if you need surgery or if you are permanently disabled as a result, you should be compensated.

Your medical bills should be covered 100%, so long as your treatment is reasonable and related to your injury. If you have a pre-existing condition, such as a prior back injury, you are not disqualified. If your job made your condition worse or made it flare up again you still should be eligible for workers’ compensation payments.

Your employer or their insurance company may deny your claim. Don’t worry – this happens all the time. It’s in their best interest to avoid paying out benefits, because it costs them money. So if you get a denial, don’t give up. Talk to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney about getting your claim approved and your benefits started.

We are workers’ compensation attorneys who help people with Illinois work injuries anywhere in IL via our statewide network of attorneys. Contact us and we will answer your questions or find the right lawyer for your situation.

By Michael Helfand