It all comes down to being honest – with yourself, your doctors, your attorney and your family. If you are injured, don’t pretend that you are not. Don’t “tough it out.” If you do so, and end up worsening your injury, that can jeopardize your benefits.
Don’t exaggerate either. Insurance companies often monitor employees who have an injury that is preventing them from working. They’ll actually use surveillance to watch you. Their goal is to catch you doing something that you said you couldn’t do, or something that your doctor told you not to do. They want to prove that you either aren’t as hurt as you’re claiming or that you are making things worse by not following your doctor’s orders and that they shouldn’t have to keep paying.
Be honest with your doctor. Obviously, don’t tell them you’re hurt when you’re not. What we’re mostly talking about, however, is being clear about what is hurting and why. If your doctor doesn’t have the opinion that your work caused your injury, then your case could be over. You need to explain your work duties, what you were doing when you got hurt, etc. And call back or make another appointment if your symptoms or pain worsen.
And always be upfront with your attorney. It’s the only way they can do everything they can to help you get the benefits you need. Much of the success of your claim lies in your own hands. If your job caused you an injury, the law says that you get your medical expenses covered and checks for lost wages while you’re unable to work. If you need help getting started or if you’ve hit a roadblock (denied claim, stopped benefits, etc.) and you have questions, let us know.