A caller to my office paid me a really nice compliment.  She told me that I wasn’t very “lawyerly” and I very much appreciated that.
What she meant is that I write and talk like what a real human being, not the stuffy image that many attorneys are perceived to be like.
Truth be told, most Illinois work comp lawyers I know (and attorneys in general) act pretty normal.  Even the bad ones.  But we do come across some who think that having a law degree is a license to treat people like dirt, talk down to them, yell at them, etc.  Most of these idiots are lawyers who hate what they do for a living, but don’t know how to do anything else professionally or don’t have the courage to try.  They are mostly miserable and I feel sorry for them.
I’d sooner find something else to do than be miserable every day at work. The network I’ve created around Illinois that allows us to refer you to the best work comp attorney for your area when needed is made up of lawyers that care about their clients and if you knew them outside of needing their legal help, you’d like them personally.  And you’ll like them when they are working for you because you’ll see that they care about getting a good result for you.
There is a lot of perception versus reality out there.  If you’ve sought out legal help and talked to some a-hole or heard of someone that did, I apologize on behalf of the entire professions.  But just as there are mostly good cops, teachers, real estate agents, laborers or anything else, it’s the bad ones that help form your opinions.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is that whether your are contacting us or another law firm for help with your case, don’t be hesitant or worried about how to talk to a lawyer or anything else.  If an attorney can’t talk to you like a human being then they aren’t right for you any way.  For better or worse, there are more than 80,000 of us in Illinois.  The right one for you is out there somewhere.
Finally, when it comes to work injuries, you should never lay out a penny from your own pocket and that includes having just a no commitment consultation.  If they try to charge you then you should say no thanks and move on.