Have you been hurt at work?  Are you a person who has never spoken with a lawyer and has never wanted to?  You are not alone.  Most people we talk to are like that and those are our favorite people to talk to.

We are in our 20th year of helping Illinois injured workers and if you just have questions or feel that you need help with a case or aren’t really sure what you want, we are happy to talk to you at any time for free and in confidence. You can call us at (312) 346-5578 or fill out our contact form to the right and we’ll call you.

We promise that we’ll listen, give honest and blunt advice and treat you like a family member or friend.  We always tell the truth which is not what everyone wants to hear, but that’s how we’ve always worked and always will.

In return we just ask that you be direct and honest with us so we have a clear picture of what is really going on.  That’s it.  If you hire us or anyone in our state wide network of attorneys (or anyone else for that matter) there would be no upfront fee and if we do get paid it would be 20% of whatever settlement we get for you at the end of the case.

That’s it.  Pretty straight forward. We have a 24 hour answering service for when we aren’t in and usually call people back within minutes if we aren’t here.  We are always happy to help, even on nights, weekends and holidays.