We are experienced Chicago work comp attorneys who will talk to you for free about your case. If you would like our help, please fill out our contact form or call us at 312-346-5578 to speak with a lawyer.
One of the great rewards of doing this job is that I get to learn about all sorts of industries and get to know the people in them. When I was in college, I worked in the summer as a deli counter worker for about a week. I was terrible at the job and still have scars on my fingers from the meat slicer. My best friend worked with me and was in charge of the fried chicken and had to carry vats of hot grease. We were just dumb 19 year olds, but even then talked about how there must be so many injuries on the job.
Fast forward almost 30 years and I’ve had the pleasure of talking to and working with many Jewel Food Stores employees. Talk about salt of the earth great people. What’s impressed me about them is how dedicated they are to their job and how long they’ve stuck with it, even when they aren’t treated the greatest. It’s a good, mostly union job done by hard working Chicagoans.
Due to the varied nature of the jobs at Jewel, there are a lot of work related injuries. Some of the claims I’ve seen in my 20+ years as an attorney include:
– Many back injuries from lifting heavy boxes.
– Tons of cuts to my deli worker brothers and sisters.
– More slip and falls on wet floors than I can count.
– A handful of employees who have been assaulted by unruly customers.
– Falls off of loading docks.
– Carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel from repetitive activities.
– Many leg injuries from being hit by a car in the parking lot.
– Many leg injuries from being hit by a shopping cart.
– Hypothermia from working in the cold.
The list goes on. I could honestly write a list of 100 unique accidents that I’ve heard of for Jewel employees and still have more to discuss. There are so many different types of jobs and activities that need to be done. Employees at Jewel are definitely “do what it takes” type workers and when you are in that situation, you will often perform job duties that put you at risk of injury or are unfamiliar to you which can make them dangerous.
We have worked with hundreds of Jewel employees over the year and understand the jobs and injuries that those workers face. If you would like to discuss a claim or just have general questions please contact us at any time.