We get so many great questions from people who want to talk to an Illinois workers’ compensation attorney. Here are some of the best ones we’ve received so far in 2023 that we thought our readers should know the answers to. If you have any questions or just want to speak with a lawyer for free, please contact us any time. We help everywhere in Illinois.
Why aren’t they taking taxes out of my workers comp check? That’s because Illinois workers’ compensation benefits are tax-free. You don’t have to report payments for TTD benefits or your settlement on any tax forms.
What is the Illinois work comp waiting period? There is no waiting period for being eligible for benefits. You are eligible the second you start working. The only waiting period applies to payments for being off work due to a work-related injury. Payments don’t start until your 4th calendar day off. But even then you get those first three days paid once you are off 14 total calendar days.
I was wondering if when employed through an agency to work at a factory, do the same rules apply about being eligible for workmans comp on the first day of employment? Yes. No employer can create special rules.
I’m a truck driver from Canada, but read your articles. Can you help me? Lots of people read us which makes me happy. That said, we can only help if you have a work-related connection to Illinois or some other State where I know a good lawyer. We can’t help in Canada. The laws are different there and we aren’t licensed there. I suggest you find someone in Canada who specializes in work-related injuries.
My boss called my doctor and changed my appointment to accommodate her schedule. Is that legal? No. That’s very illegal. Your employer isn’t allowed to do things like that.
The work comp adjuster told me that I couldn’t have surgery until one year after my accident to see how my injury responded to physical therapy. Is that true? That is very much NOT true. Work comp adjusters aren’t doctors and can’t make medical decisions for you. In some cases having surgery right away is extremely important. Other times trying physical therapy first makes sense. Whatever the case, those decisions should be made by you in consultation with your doctor. Illinois work comp insurance companies don’t get to dictate your medical care.
How many times can I turn down a settlement offer? There is no right answer to this question. Theoretically, there is no limit. It’s possible for a settlement offer to be taken away, but that is not very common at all. Realistically if you turn down an offer then you will make a counter demand and they will either increase their offer or hold the line. If you can’t agree on what a case is worth, going to trial usually makes sense.
Thanks for reading. And as always, please get in touch if you have any questions.