Archives: Benefits

What is my Illinois workers compensation case worth? What should I get for my workmans comp claim. TTD payments Chicago, wage differential, permanent disability law Illinois.

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How The Insurance Company Decides Not To Pay

There was a great tweet thread the other day about a Colorado work comp case that has a lot of similarities as to how insurance companies deny Illinois workers’ compensation cases in bad faith. The gist of it is that an electrician got hurt work when he slipped on some ice. In falling he tore … Continue Reading

Don’t Let Your Lawyer Control Your Medical Care

I have been an Illinois workers comp attorney for 26 years and rarely get shocked, but it happens. When it does it’s usually when an injured worker calls me and tells me something that their attorney, the insurance company or their employer is doing. Boy did I hear a doozy recently. An injured worker with … Continue Reading

The Importance Of A MRI With Work Comp Cases

When you get injured while working, to win a case you have to be able to prove that your injuries and need for treatment are related to the job accident. In some cases this is straight forward. For example, if you get hit by a forklift at work and break your leg, it’s pretty obvious … Continue Reading

Work Hardening And Illinois Workers Compensation

We are Illinois workers compensation attorneys who help people understand their rights. This includes explaining certain work comp related events such as work hardening. What is work hardening? Work hardening is a form of occupational therapy. It is a highly individualized, job-specific program designed to get an injured worker who cannot work at full capacity … Continue Reading

The Importance Of The First Doctor’s Visit

While every Illinois workers compensation case is different, there are certain factors that we look into when we give you a free consultation that will help us determine if you have a case that we or any other lawyer would want to pursue. One of these factors is how long did it take you to … Continue Reading

Overview Of Work Conditioning In Illinois Work Comp

If you’ve been injured at work, you may find, even after your injury has healed, that you don’t have the same strength or endurance that you used to. This is a common situation. After all, doctors often tell patients to rest their bodies or injured body parts while recuperating. So it’s not surprising that some … Continue Reading

Workers Compensation Against Bed Bath and Beyond

As you may know, huge home supply store, Bed Bath & Beyond, has filed for bankruptcy and will be going out of business. This means that eventually 14,000 employees at 360 stores nation wide will be out of jobs including those at the eight locations in Illinois. I hadn’t been in one of those stores … Continue Reading

When Is My Illinois Work Comp Case Going To Trial?

When you file an Illinois workers’ compensation claim with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission, your case gets assigned to an Arbitrator. This Arbitrator is essentially your Judge as there aren’t jury trials in the work comp system. Every 90 days or so, your case will be up on his monthly status call. At this time … Continue Reading

I Want To Close My Work Comp Case

I had a consultation with an injured Chicago worker recently. She was direct and to the point which I loved because that’s how I am. Here’s the first thing she said to me: I want to close my case. I’m sick of this and want it to be over. As you can tell, she was … Continue Reading

Firefighters And Illinois Workers Compensation Laws

We are Illinois workers compensation attorneys who have been helping injured firefighters since 1997. If you would like a free, confidential consultation, please contact us any time at 888-705-1766. The law treats almost every worker in Illinois the same when they are injured while working. By that, I mean that it could be your first … Continue Reading