Tag Archives: carpal tunnel

How To Get A Causal Connection Opinion

One of the basic facts about Illinois work comp law is that you have to prove that your injury is “causally connected” to your job. In plain English, that means your injury is related, at least in part, to your job activities. There are a few different ways to prove this. Sometimes your words alone … Continue Reading

David Price Has Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This isn’t our usual Illinois work comp post, but it’s relevant.  The Boston Red Sox have a pitcher named David Price who they are paying many millions to pitch for them.  He was just diagnosed with what is a somewhat unusual injury for a pitcher, carpal tunnel syndrome. You typically see carpal tunnel in those … Continue Reading

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Questions

We are Chicago workers’ compensation attorneys who help with cases anywhere in Illinois.  We’ll talk to you for free and in confidence.  Call us at (312) 346-5578 or fill out our contact form.  We of course blog every couple of days.  Sometimes we get good questions that aren’t enough for a blog post, but I … Continue Reading

How To Win A Repetitive Trauma Typing Case

We are Chicago workers’ compensation lawyers. We’ve created an Illinois wide network of tough, experienced attorneys who will fight for you.  If you need a lawyer or just have questions call us at (312) 346-5578 or fill out the form to the right. It’s free to contact us and we help everywhere in Illinois. Repetitive … Continue Reading

“Is my injury work related?”

A lot of times the callers to our office don’t even know if they have a case.  Often they notice pain while working or someone has told them to look in to work comp benefits, but they haven’t had a specific accident. In other cases they are told (usually by an insurance adjuster) that they … Continue Reading