Should you expect a settlement if you were hurt on the job in Illinois? Yes in most cases, but there's a catch to that. Almost every case is worth something, many are worth a lot.… Continue Reading
This is a version of a blog post I write every year around this time. I do it because it’s really important. I’m a big believer that Illinois workers should maximize the benefits they get out of a workers compensation claim. This includes getting the biggest possible settlement for your case. One big caveat. This … Continue Reading
Sometimes settling an Illinois workers compensation case is a bad idea. Learn when to settle and when getting an offer is not in your best interests.… Continue Reading
A very nice woman contacted our office via chat and shared that she had severely fractured her arm and is scheduled for an MRI. Depending on what the MRI says, she might need surgery. This had all happened in the six weeks before she reached out to us. What happened next is a really shady … Continue Reading