My job as an Illinois workers comp attorney and hopefully as a good guy is to tell people the truth. I’m really direct even when I know I’m telling someone something they don’t want to hear.

A great example of this is when talking about chiropractors and treatment for job related injuries in Illinois. Now full disclosure, I’m not a chiropractor fan. The thought of someone grabbing me by the neck and quickly twisting it freaks me out a bit. Plus I’ve heard too many stories of patients having strokes from being adjusted negligently.

I’m not really a fan of any doctors though. I hurt my knee back in the 90’s, explained to the orthopedic doctor that my #1 goal was to return to marathon running and he told me, “Why don’t you just not run any more?” And while I’ve been lucky to not have any major surgeries, the thought of going under also freaks me out.

But when it comes to chiropractors, the truth is that they are not viewed as very credible at the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission. This is especially true when you put their opinion about your injury and need for care versus a respected orthopedic doctor.

Part of this is because medical doctors have much more training and their treatment is much more accepted in the medical community. Part of it is because there are a lot of chiropractors who over treat their patients and run up huge bills. Whatever the reason, the blunt and honest answer is that if you get hurt at work in Illinois, if you treat with a chiropractor instead of an orthopedic, it will likely harm your case.

In one case we worked on, but withdrew from, the worker could not find an orthopedic doctor to state his injuries are work related and wanted us to rely on the chiropractor’s opinion. This would be put up against the IME doctor who while they are a hired gun, is an orthopedic. We explained to the client that we did not believe they’d win at trial.

This belief is based on 27 years of experience as well as statements by Arbitrators who have unanimously made clear that most chiropractors aren’t viewed as credible in their court rooms. That might not be fair. That might take away a treatment option you are comfortable with. But again, it’s my job to be 100% honest and not tell you what you want to hear. So even though I think it medically makes much more sense to see an orthopedic doctor in most situations, it also makes way more sense for your claim itself.

The big exception could be if your orthopedic recommends you see a chiropractor as part of your therapy. It almost never happens, but it’s certainly possible.

We don’t ever force clients to certain doctors, but are always happy to give opinions on who would be a good one if we know who you are considering. If you want to discuss that or any part of your case, please contact us any time.