Archives: Tips if Injured

Free advice from a Chicago workers compensation attorney on what to do if injured on the job in Illinois. Help all over including Wheaton, Peoria, Decatur, Quad Cities, all of IL for job accidents.

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Should I Get An Illinois Work Comp Lawyer?

Because we are experienced Illinois workers compensation lawyers and because we have a state wide network of great attorneys, people come to us for all sorts of questions. One of the big ones isn’t just, “Who should I hire?” but also, “Should I get a work comp attorney at all?” The God’s honest truth is … Continue Reading

Travelers Is Driving Me Crazy!

I got a call the other day from a really funny injured worker who was hesitant to get a lawyer involved. I asked him why he called after having been dealing with it on his own for the prior months, and he said: “Travelers Insurance is driving me crazy!” I laughed out loud. He had … Continue Reading

ComEd Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

If you live in the northern part of Illinois, chances are you get your electricity through Commonwealth Edison, or ComEd for short. ComEd is the state’s largest electric utility. The company employs a significant number of people and is responsible for their safety while at work. There are inherent risks when working for an electric … Continue Reading

When You Can’t Decide To Switch Lawyers Or Not

While I always encourage people to stay with their Illinois work comp attorney when it makes sense to, sometimes I talk to an injured worker who clearly has a terrible lawyer and they waffle about switching. It’s like Stockholm Syndrome where the kidnap victim becomes sympathetic to their prisoner. These are things I’ve heard from … Continue Reading

How To Get A Great Illinois Work Comp Lawyer

A friend of mine who I consider to be an outstanding Illinois workers’ compensation attorney told me about a case he turned down. The potential client was seriously injured to the point where he’d already had two surgeries before he even called a lawyer. Even if he makes a great recovery and returns to work, … Continue Reading

What ChatGPT Said About FedEx Work Comp Cases

I’ve been a lawyer for 27 years and not a week goes by where I’m not pitched something from someone. For years it’s mostly been lead generators (I never use them) or support staff help like remote answering services. The latest is about once a week an AI (artificial intelligence) company emails me trying to … Continue Reading