Most Illinois workers’ compensation injuries aren’t catastrophic. You may have a severe injury that requires surgery like carpal tunnel, a rotator cuff tear, etc., but eventually you should make a full recovery. Some injuries are unique or have severe complications. And if those complications aren’t addressed right away it can have life long, tragic results. … Continue Reading
This is a grim post, but the reality is that murders do happen in the workplace. In fact, according to a CNN article, between 2018 and 2023 there were over 2,700 murders in the workplace in the US. Many of those of course took place in Illinois. Just a month ago, a man was sentenced … Continue Reading
While I think Illinois work comp law is great for injured workers, not every injury is a case. I don’t agree with all of the laws and case rulings that have come down. One area where that is true has to do with the act of standing. We get contacted by a lot of bank … Continue Reading
One really disgusting truth about Illinois workers’ compensation law is that employers and insurance companies often try to take advantage of injured workers who may be less educated or originally from another country. This is especially true with injuries to housekeepers, maids and other cleaning workers in hotels and motels. These workers bust their butts. … Continue Reading
Advice on major Illinois work injuries like TBI, fusion surgery and what you need to do to make the case have the best outcome as possible. Free consultation with a top work injury attorney.… Continue Reading
How to win an Illinois workers compensation claim if no specific event causes your injury. Advice on getting a causal connection opinion and winning a case.… Continue Reading
Winning Illinois workers’ compensation cases for a heart attack can be tricky. Typically if you have one, you are older and it’s not unusual for that to happen. When you add in factors like high cholesterol, smoking, being overweight, etc. it’s not a surprise when someone with risk factors has a heart attack. If you … Continue Reading
A great piece of advice for anyone who may have an Illinois workers’ compensation case is to not take every medical term that you hear literally or to assume what one means. A lot of medical terms can be confusing or not apply to work comp law in Illinois the way you’d think they would. … Continue Reading
Illinois workers compensation laws are in place to make sure that if an employee is injured on the job, they have financial protection. That means that their employer, who is required to carry workers compensation insurance, will pay for the medical expenses related to the injury. Doctors visits, tests, surgeries, medications, physical therapy and other … Continue Reading
Experienced workers comp attorney discusses work related SLAP tear injuries and other issues with shoulder problems under Illinois work comp law.
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Learn how wear and tear injuries can lead to Illinois workers compensation claims from a top Chicago work comp attorney with over 25 years of experience.… Continue Reading
Winter in Illinois leads to a lot of work related injuries due to harsh weather. Frost bite, hypothermia, slip and fall accidents can cause major injuries.… Continue Reading
Advice from top forklift accident lawyer in Chicago about why these accidents happen and how you can recover for medical bills and lost time from work.… Continue Reading
Even with a history of back problems, you can have an Illinois workers comp claim if the job has made your condition worse. Talk to a lawyer for free… Continue Reading
We are experienced Illinois attorneys who have helped thousands of health care workers with their Illinois workers compensation cases. Call us for help anywhere in Illinois at 888-705-1766. Do you work in the healthcare industry in a medical facility such as a hospital, nursing home, or dialysis center? Or do you work as a home … Continue Reading
We get calls every day from hard-working people who have been injured on the job in Illinois. One injury we help with every week is a biceps tendon tear. It’s a really common injury. Tendons connect muscles to bones. The biceps tendons attach the biceps muscle to bones in the shoulder and elbow. If a … Continue Reading
Under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act, the insurance company is allowed to send you to a doctor of their own choosing. This is called a Section 12 exam as it’s from Section 12 of the Act. It’s more commonly known as an IME or Independent Medical Examination. If you read this blog or if you’ve … Continue Reading
We hear from people in Illinois looking for workers’ compensation advice related to the painful labrum tears that they suffered on the job. Some have a torn shoulder labrum and others have a torn hip labrum. In the shoulder, the labrum is a thick piece of tissue or cartilage that is attached to the rim … Continue Reading
When people call us about their Illinois workers’ compensation questions, we hear a lot of great ones. Sometimes people want to know what happens if they have a new injury. This could mean that they re-injure a body part that they already have a case on or if something new arises. It’s a really good … Continue Reading
One of the biggest misunderstood features of Illinois workers’ compensation law has to do with prior injuries and how they affect you now. Take for example a factory worker who contacted us recently. She had back surgery in 2011 after a car accident. She made a complete recovery and hasn’t seen a doctor for back … Continue Reading
We have all heard the acronym “PTSD” which stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. But what does it really mean? Can you get PTSD on the job? And if so, can you get compensated under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act for that? PTSD is a health condition that describes the physical and emotional aftereffects of a … Continue Reading
We have been helping injured workers in Illinois since 1997 and help everywhere in IL via our state-wide network of experienced attorneys. If you would like a free consultation, you can call us any time at 888-705-1766. You will speak with an attorney and get direct, honest advice. I recently had a chat with an … Continue Reading
We are experienced Illinois work comp lawyers who have created a state-wide network of lawyers who do a great job and care about their clients. If you would like a free consultation with an attorney, call us any time at 312-346-5578. My grandma was my favorite person. I got to spend a lot of time … Continue Reading