How permanent restrictions affect the value of a workers compensation claim. Usually it makes the case worth more money, often much more, but there are some exceptions to that.… Continue Reading
I spoke with a really nice woman the other day who works as a nurse at a north suburban hospital who hurt her back while lifting a patient. She has gotten some medical care already but is going to need surgery. She explained to me that she loves her job and has been working at … Continue Reading
I’ve literally talked to tens of thousands of people about their Illinois workers’ compensation claims over the last 27 years. I think I do a pretty good job of talking in plain English and helping people understand what is going well with their case and what isn’t. I didn’t do a good job of getting … Continue Reading
What does it cost to hire an Illinois workers compensation lawyer? It's much less than you think and nothing up front. And you owe nothing if we don't win the case.… Continue Reading
Illinois injury law, what is a medical only claim? Can you still get a settlement? Free advice from a great Chicago workers compensation accident lawyer.… Continue Reading
In Illinois work comp law, in order to prove you are permanently disabled from working, you need a credible doctor to state that. Free consult with a top attorney.… Continue Reading
While we have a lot of long time readers, we also have many people who come to us who aren’t familiar with Illinois workers’ compensation law. In no particular order, here are 50 things we think you should know about how these cases work. We hope these tips help. If you have any questions or … Continue Reading
How is it decided what an Illinois workers compensation case is worth? There are a lot of factors and a top work injury attorney can get you the most money.… Continue Reading
I’ve been a lawyer for 27 years and not a week goes by where I’m not pitched something from someone. For years it’s mostly been lead generators (I never use them) or support staff help like remote answering services. The latest is about once a week an AI (artificial intelligence) company emails me trying to … Continue Reading
I’ve never had an employee of mine get injured on the job and I hope it stays that way. But if I did, I can’t imagine doing anything other than telling them who our insurance carrier is and wishing them a speedy, healthy recovery. I’m a small business and have gotten along well with the … Continue Reading
If you get injured on the job in Illinois, you can bet that at some point someone will lie to you. Most of the lies or half truths are committed by insurance companies. Some are unfortunately committed by attorneys who will tell their clients lies about how long it takes to get to trial or … Continue Reading
How does signing a severance impact your ability to pursue an Illinois workers' compensation claim. It doesn't take away your rights at all.… Continue Reading
TTD or temporary total disability is the pay you receive when you are injured on the job and Illinois and either can’t work at all or have medical restrictions that your employer can’t accommodate. The pay is two-thirds of your gross average weekly wage and is tax free. There are caps on how much you … Continue Reading
No!!!! I really can’t believe how many Illinois employers are trying to make their employees use vacation pay, sick time or other earned PTO after they get hurt on the job. If you get hurt at work and your doctor takes you off of work or gives you restrictions that your employer can’t accommodate, you … Continue Reading
Winning Illinois workers’ compensation cases for a heart attack can be tricky. Typically if you have one, you are older and it’s not unusual for that to happen. When you add in factors like high cholesterol, smoking, being overweight, etc. it’s not a surprise when someone with risk factors has a heart attack. If you … Continue Reading
The scummiest IME doctor in Illinois might be a southern Illinois physician who doesn't even practice medicine on a regular basis. Great idea to improve the IME system in Illinois.… Continue Reading
We have over 25 years experience helping injured workers. If you would like a free, confidential consultation with a lawyer, call us any time at 888-705-1766. One of the best pieces of advice for any injured worker in Illinois (or anywhere really) is to get a good treating doctor and listen to them. Usually with … Continue Reading
An injured Chicago worker had ACL surgery, was getting physical therapy, and then suddenly work comp cut off her benefits. Why did that happen and how did a lawyer solve the problem?… Continue Reading
To me, the worst thing a lawyer can do is focus on what’s best for them over what is best for their clients. In almost every case that means they worry about money and how they can get more even if it’s not the best thing for the injured worker. The most common way this … Continue Reading
We are experienced Illinois workers’ compensation attorneys who will talk to you for free. Call us confidentially at 312-346-5578 or click the chat button. We help everywhere in Illinois via our state wide network of attorneys. Everyone’s work situation is different. Some people work at great places that treat them really well. Other people have … Continue Reading
Here’s a comment I got from a chatter recently. This one has to do with CCMSI and his Illinois workers’ compensation case, but it really could be with any work comp insurance company: This like I said is not unusual for CCMSI or anyone else. You see it with Travelers, Gallagher Basset, Sedgwick, ESIS, etc. … Continue Reading
When do you return to work after a work injury in Illinois? Answers from a top Chicago work comp law firm with advice on how not to screw up your case.… Continue Reading