Do I have an Illinois workers compensation case? How to file for workmans comp in Chicago. Tips if injured on the job in Illinois. Speak to an attorney for free.
One of the big work changes that has happened since Covid is the common concept of remote working. It’s still crazy to me when I’m in the Loop how less crowded the trains are and how less crowded it is to walk around. That said, I often work from home and get the appeal behind … Continue Reading
Illinois injured worker rights when your employer goes out of business. You can still file a claim and pursue Illinois work comp rights.… Continue Reading
Illinois workers’ compensation benefits are available to every injured worker from the moment they start on a job. Pretty much every employee is treated the same way on these cases. There are some exceptions such as firefighters and cops in Chicago having their own system. Another one has to do with traveling employees. Traveling employees … Continue Reading
It appears that the Chicago Bears have finally found a quarterback and the team may actually be good. Check back in a month on that prediction of course. After the convincing 36-10 win over the Carolina Panthers on Sunday, most people were in a celebratory mood. We’ve waited a while to have a good team. … Continue Reading
When you have a repetitive use injury from your job activities, sometimes it’s obvious the cause and other times it’s not so clear. You aren’t a doctor and aren’t expected to be able to diagnose an injury or the cause of it. Your job is to work and seek medical treatment if you are in … Continue Reading
In my 27 years of being an Illinois attorney, I feel at times like I’ve heard it all. But then people come at me with questions I’ve never heard before or thought to discuss and it’s actually exciting in a way. A great example of that is a caller who recently called me about his … Continue Reading
We are attorneys for injured Illinois workers in Illinois. We believe college athletes should be getting work comp benefits. If you are an injured athlete from a division one school, please call us any time at 312-346-5578 for a free, confidential consult. A lot of companies try to get away with not paying Illinois work … Continue Reading
Illinois workers compensation claims when injured off the clock. You may still have a case. Free attorney consultation to learn your rights.… Continue Reading
Free Illinois workers compensation advice for teachers and other school workers from a top Chicago work injury law firm. PTSD, slip and falls, lifting injuries and more. … Continue Reading
Your employer can't prevent you from bringing an Illinois workers' compensation case by getting you to sign a document that says you won't pursue a case here.… Continue Reading
Safety violations don't mean that you can't still get Illinois workers compensation benefits. Learn from a top Chicago attorney your rights.… Continue Reading
Find the best Illinois work injury attorney for professional athletes. Indoor football league, Arena League and other athletes. Free attorney consultation.… Continue Reading
If you are injured while working in Illinois, here is how to prove that you are not a 1099 independent contractor and are entitled to work comp benefits… Continue Reading
If you were injured while working for a temp service or staffing agency in Illinois, you are eligible for work comp benefits on day one.… Continue Reading
There was a pretty interesting series on Netflix recently called “Painkiller,” which is about the disgusting Sackler family and the rise of Oxycontin and general opioid abuse in this country. It’s beyond shameful how many lives they destroyed because they seem to worship money. We’ve sadly seen a lot of injured Illinois workers suffer from … Continue Reading
If you work a job and have regular health insurance and get fired, you will be losing that health insurance. If you get fired from a job, they will stop sending paycheck for wages because you won’t be working. So some people think that if you are fired after a job injury in Illinois that … Continue Reading
We recently had a phone call with a guy who had been injured on the job in 2019 when a box fell on his head. He went to the doctor right away and told his employer about it two days later. He was eventually diagnosed with a concussion and a small facial fracture. Unfortunately, he … Continue Reading
One really misunderstood aspect of Illinois workers compensation law is the belief by many that just because an injury happens while you are on the clock it’s a work comp case. That’s not true. You have to show that your injury arose out of your job. That means your job duties contributed in some way … Continue Reading
I recently had an email inquiry from someone that we, fortunately, were able to help. This is what they asked: Was wondering if I can still file for my ankle I broke at work back on October of 2022? The answer was yes, but it still required a conversation. The time limit for bringing a … Continue Reading