Archives: Do I Have a Case?

Do I have an Illinois workers compensation case? How to file for workmans comp in Chicago. Tips if injured on the job in Illinois. Speak to an attorney for free.

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IL Work Comp – The Going And Coming Rule

Illinois workers’ compensation benefits are available to every injured worker from the moment they start on a job. Pretty much every employee is treated the same way on these cases. There are some exceptions such as firefighters and cops in Chicago having their own system. Another one has to do with traveling employees. Traveling employees … Continue Reading

Oxycontin, Opioids and Illinois Work Comp

There was a pretty interesting series on Netflix recently called “Painkiller,” which is about the disgusting Sackler family and the rise of Oxycontin and general opioid abuse in this country. It’s beyond shameful how many lives they destroyed because they seem to worship money. We’ve sadly seen a lot of injured Illinois workers suffer from … Continue Reading

When You Pass Out At Work

One really misunderstood aspect of Illinois workers compensation law is the belief by many that just because an injury happens while you are on the clock it’s a work comp case. That’s not true. You have to show that your injury arose out of your job. That means your job duties contributed in some way … Continue Reading