I had a nice conversation with a really sweet nurse who was injured on the job. She’s worked over 20 years without ever filing a workers comp case. But now she hurt her wrist badly and had to file a claim. She told her boss how she hurt the wrist when a patient got violent. … Continue Reading
I was reading an article about an actress who was injured on a set. She had complaints about how the director treated her and was mad at the production company because “they didn’t help me get workers’ compensation benefits.” In a moral world, your employer would always do right by you. The reality is that … Continue Reading
I’ve literally talked to tens of thousands of people about their Illinois workers’ compensation claims over the last 27 years. I think I do a pretty good job of talking in plain English and helping people understand what is going well with their case and what isn’t. I didn’t do a good job of getting … Continue Reading
To me, the worst thing a lawyer can do is focus on what’s best for them over what is best for their clients. In almost every case that means they worry about money and how they can get more even if it’s not the best thing for the injured worker. The most common way this … Continue Reading
Here’s something we hear a lot from people calling us with Illinois workers’ compensation questions. My case is closed, but I’m still in pain. Is there anything I can do? The answer depends on what you mean by closed. The only real closure of a case is if you wait too long to file the … Continue Reading
I was having an online chat with an injured worker the other day about attorney fees and told them how I don’t think attorneys should take a fee on TTD payments in most cases. They responded by asking, “What is TTD?” I made an error in assuming that they knew what it meant because they … Continue Reading
A caller to our office wanted to know if they could open up a case that was closed. In their case, they had injured their back three years ago and unfortunately for them, hired a terrible law firm to represent them on their case. The case was settled over a year ago and now this … Continue Reading
One trap too many lawyers fall in to, including myself at times, is to assume the person they are talking to knows things that we take for granted. If you are an iron worker, you shouldn’t expect that someone you don’t work with will understand what it means to be a journeyman or what rigging … Continue Reading
One of the unique things about being an Illinois workers’ compensation attorney is that most of the documents you have clients sign, you don’t create. By that, I mean every lawyer uses the same attorney representation agreement on every case. It’s a state provided form. By law, we have to use that agreement. This is … Continue Reading
A reader of our blog contacted us and asked the following: I hurt my back the other day while working in Chicago. I reported it to my boss and went to the doctor. Do I wait to hear from the insurance company or should I do something else? That’s a good question. There is no … Continue Reading