What does it cost to hire an Illinois workers compensation lawyer? It's much less than you think and nothing up front. And you owe nothing if we don't win the case.… Continue Reading
A caller to my office hurt her knee while working. It seems like a very compensable case, but she’s not been paid her TTD benefits for three months even though the insurance company is paying her medical bills. She’s owed that money but isn’t getting it because insurance companies play games. She had been thinking … Continue Reading
A bold student contacted me looking for help with a school project. Their question was: Can you tell me the pros and cons of hiring a workers compensation attorney? It sounded like they wanted me to do their work for them. I barely did my work when I was in school 30 years ago, but … Continue Reading
Although it’s state law in Illinois that no attorney can make you pay them an upfront or hourly fee, it seems that every week I talk to at least one person who has been hesitant to hire an attorney because they don’t think that they can afford it. The short version of what it costs … Continue Reading