Illinois workers’ compensation benefits are available to every injured worker from the moment they start on a job. Pretty much every employee is treated the same way on these cases. There are some exceptions such as firefighters and cops in Chicago having their own system. Another one has to do with traveling employees. Traveling employees … Continue Reading
I spoke with a really nice woman the other day who works as a nurse at a north suburban hospital who hurt her back while lifting a patient. She has gotten some medical care already but is going to need surgery. She explained to me that she loves her job and has been working at … Continue Reading
How long after a work injury can your employer drug test you? Top Chicago work comp law firm offers no cost legal guidance on this issue.… Continue Reading
We got a call recently from a flight attendant for United Airlines who had a really screwed up case. This person wasn’t based out of Chicago, but was able to make an Illinois workers’ compensation claim because the collective bargaining agreement allows pilots and flight attendants to bring their cases in Illinois if they were … Continue Reading
Major rhomboid injuries can cause severe back pain and are nothing to joke around with. The rhomboid is a muscle on that connects your shoulder blade to your spine. Located in that sweet spot, near the upper middle of your back where you can’t really reach to rub the pain away, an injury could lay … Continue Reading
Here’s a pretty common Illinois workers’ compensation scenario. You’ve never had a back problem or if you did, it was no big deal. One day you are lifting something at work and feel a pain in your back. You finish your shift, take some Advil that night, but the next day you wake up and … Continue Reading