Advice on major Illinois work injuries like TBI, fusion surgery and what you need to do to make the case have the best outcome as possible. Free consultation with a top work injury attorney.… Continue Reading
At some point, everyone wants to know what their case is worth. But if you are hurt on the job in Illinois you are going to hear terms like PPD or “percentage loss of use” and they can be really confusing. Hopefully we can clear that up a bit. Almost every Illinois work injury has … Continue Reading
A City of Chicago worker called me after suspecting his lawyer was telling him a lie. Every year hundreds of City workers become permanently disabled from working through job injuries. City of Chicago workers do some of the toughest, most dangerous work around. Under a weird rule of City of Chicago politics, you can’t settle … Continue Reading
If you read my blog, you’ll see that we call out attorneys on their b.s. Nobody can guarantee a result, but everyone should be honest. Most of the lies that I hear about when I get calls and e-mails are ones that are told over and over. I’m not going to talk about those today. … Continue Reading